
Big Firm Expertise.

Small Firm Experience.

Trusted Valuation Professional
Serving the Okanagan Community
Scott-Amano-business valuation-consultant

Do you need help with a business valuation?

When it comes to financial matters, experience counts.


Whether you’re a family law lawyer seeking support for a divorce case or you’re purchasing/selling a business, it’s vital to invest in solutions-oriented financial advisory services—and that’s where I come in.

As a seasoned business valuation professional in Canada, I’ve delivered outstanding independent reports and advice for countless lawyers, accountants and small businesses in the Okanagan.


Big firm expertise at a reasonable cost.

My business valuation firm follows a simple mantra—you deal directly with me, the owner and financial expert, from start to finish. This ensures your project is in great hands from the get-go.

If you’re ready to work with a top business valuation company in the Okanagan at a fraction of the cost of a larger firm, book a free consultation today!



Who We Serve



Looking for a reputable financial expert?

Accounting Firms

Chartered Business Valuator (CBV)

Small-Medium Enterprises

Experienced Senior executive

How it Works






Divorce Support

Expert divorce support for seamless financial transition and peace of mind during challenging times.


Corporate Reorganizations
for Tax Purposes

Optimize tax strategies through corporate reorganizations, ensuring maximum benefits for your business.


Purchase and Sales
of Businesses

Smooth purchase and sale of businesses facilitated by our meticulous accounting and consulting services.


Contract CFO Services

Drive financial success with contract CFO services, empowering your business with expert financial guidance.


Shareholder Agreements
and Disputes

Safeguard your investments with ironclad shareholder agreements, resolving disputes effectively and protecting your interests.

Succession Planning

Ensure a prosperous future with
strategic succession planning, securing your business's legacy with our
expert guidance.


Transforming Financial Strategies into Success

Scott Y. Amano, CPA, CA, CBV, CFE is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Professional Accountant (2001), a Chartered Business Valuator (2004), and Certified Fraud Examiner with over 20 years of experience in business valuation and financial management across a wide range of industries.

Scott has prepared valuation reports for matrimonial and shareholder disputes, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, financings, and tax reorganizations. In addition, he has prepared expert reports for guideline income calculations and damage quantifications.

As a financial executive, Scott has a deep understanding of the day-to-day financial management, as well as the strategic challenges, facing business owners in the small to mid-sized enterprise space. He focuses on building stakeholder relationships, risk management, growth, value maximization, and the big picture.

Here is What Our Clients Have to Say

Book Your Free Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Any time a CBV issues a valuation opinion in writing, we are required to follow the reporting standards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (the “CICBV”).
  • E.g. divorce support, tax planning, purchase/sale, raising capital
  • However, if a written opinion isn’t needed for your situation, e.g. where verbal consulting would suffice, a formal report can be avoided.
  • Best to discuss the details of the situation with a CBV to help ensure you get the right solution.


  • There are three main valuation reports issued by CBVs and defined by the CICBV: Calculation, Estimate, Comprehensive.
  • They differ by the CBV’s scope of review, amount of disclosure provided, and level of assurance being provided in the conclusion.
    • Calculation Valuation Report provides the lowest level of detail and assurance
    • Estimate Valuation Report provides a moderate level of detail and assurance
    • Comprehensive Valuation Report provides the highest level of detail and assurance
  • The type of valuation report will be determined by the context of the situation, i.e. is the valuation report needed for a tax filing or to help quantify family property for a divorce?
  • Best to discuss the details of the situation with a CBV to help ensure you get the right solution .


  • The cost of a valuation report will very depending on a number of factors such:
    • Type of valuation report required (e.g. Calculation vs Comprehensive)
    • Complexity of the business to be valued
    • Scope, availability and quality of received information
    • The level of cooperation of the parties involved
    • Efficient flow of communication between the CBV and client
  • To provide a reasonable fee estimate, I recommend having several years of financial statements and a tax return ready for my review.


  • Yes, I am experienced with the preparation of guideline income reports in accordance with the practice standards of the CICBV for Expert Reports.


  • Rules of thumb and EBITDA multiples are simplistic to apply and can be a good quick indicator of value when you are short of time or testing an asking price.
  • However, they are not a substitute for an in-depth valuation analysis.
  • Rules of thumb and EBITDA multiples do not consider the impact of factors such as:
    • Income taxes
    • Investment in capital assets for replacements or growth
    • Prospective impact of recent strategic and operational changes
    • Risk driven by the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the business
    • Changes in the industry or other economic factors
    • The validity of the rule of thumb – Where did the rule come from? Is it a reliable source? It may have made sense years ago but does it make economic sense today?
    • Source(s) of the EBITDA multiple – Where did the multiple come from? Is the source comprised of truly comparable companies?
  • Valuing a business can be a complex exercise and I recommend speaking to a CBV before relying on a rule of thumb or EBITDA multiple for a potential transaction.


  • The most significant benefit of a contract CFO is gaining back your time as a business owner.
  • There is an opportunity cost attached to each hour you spend on accounting and finance matters.
  • Ask yourself Where is your time best spent?
    • Managing monthly reporting processes or building key customer/supplier relationships?
    • Financial reporting or planning for the next big expansion?
    • How can you best position yourself to work on your business rather than in your business?
  • A good CFO should be a partner to the CEO/Owner and help reduce the noise so the CEO/Owner can focus on what they do best.
  • In addition, a CFO can help a business by focusing on the following areas:
    • Strategic planning
    • Financial reporting
    • Corporate performance measurement
    • Stakeholder management
    • Risk management


Scott-Amano-business valuation-consultant